
Monday, November 10, 2014


School, work, and a variety of other mundane daily toils seem to consume our lives and end up taking priority over many leisure activities.

It's easy to become burdened by an overwhelming pile of homework and errands. However, have we ever considered that while finishing this list of tasks is important, homework of a different nature might also be just as critical. I'm talking about life's homework. Exercise, relaxation, and simply doing things you love are equally (if not more) important than all of the other mundane tasks that we have a habit of prioritizing. On some days, there are simply not enough hours to fit everything in--but if we find that we are never finding any time to indulge a few moments of an activity we genuinely love, perhaps we should reassess our commitments.

With this perspective, I am taking the #ADrawingADay challenge this month. I've always loved art and creating--fortunately for me, much of my school work lets me exercise my passion for creativity. But I find so much enjoyment in creating without an agenda that I have challenged myself to create one stress-free work of art daily. Whether it's a simple doodle to wind down before I snooze, or busting out assorted paints and a canvas, I have filled each day, so far, this month with no-strings-attached projects, as I like to consider them.


  1. Just found you via Instagram! Love your blog too, and this drawing a day idea.


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