
Saturday, April 5, 2014


A compilation of twenty rules I've gathered in my short twenty years.
*disclaimer: this is no testament to having life remotely figured out, but rather a random bundle of lessons that have helped my heart feel fuller and my head feel screwed on a wee bit tighter

1. Always say, "bless you."
To your mother. To the person you most despise. To the nameless classmate next to you in lecture. 

2. Specialize in cooking one specific dish.
Or two. Or three. But have at least one thing you can hone and be known for bringing to gatherings. Even despite a lack of culinary prowess, strive have one recipe mastered.

3. Take time to be alone.
Pray. Meditate. Take time to engage in some introspection sans worldly distraction.

4. Sing in the shower.
It's cleansing, cliche, and marvelous. 

5. Live with a roommate(s).
You learn a lot about yourself when you're forced to go about your daily routine amongst other human beings. 

6. Make yourself uncomfortable.
Wondrous discoveries are made when we venture into areas that breach the boundaries of familiarity.

7. Exercise regularly & eat things that are green.
It's a guarantee that regular fitness will make you a happier human being. (If you don't believe me, just ask Elle Woods.) Take care of your body. It is your one and only vessel of life and the main agent of all you will accomplish.

8. Indulge.
Eat the damn piece of cake.

9. Fall in love with something. Or someone.
Love fearlessly and unconditionally. There's no shame in chasing after life's greatest joy.

10. Write.
Learn to write well and write regularly. It's one of the most basic forms of communication and often the only way your voice will be heard. 

11. Express gratitude.
You can never thank the people in your life enough. Many underestimate their self-worth and the smallest reminder can be monumental. And for the purposes of your own well-being, studies show that writing a letter of gratitude can bring you joy.

12. Take photos.
You don't have to be Ansel Adams. But learn how to capture a moment that would otherwise be fleeting. Looking at old photos can easily entertain for hours.

13. Don't settle.
My favorite piece of advice a friend has ever given me: "Love is one of the greatest gifts we're given so there is no reason it should be anything short of amazing."

14. Make peace with your past.
Sure, your hair was weird. Yes, you should have told him or her how you really felt. And undoubtedly, Jack and Rose could have easily shared the door in the middle of the freezing Atlantic. But at this point it's all in an untouchable realm and it's delivered you into the present. You're entitled to a momentary cringe but then please, for your own sake, move the hell on.

15. Engage in some manual labor.
Learn the satisfaction of seeing a large project through start to finish. Be able to comprehend the feeling of coming home covered in mud after a long day of work only to indulge a hot shower and warm meal.

16. Drink more water.
Better skin. More energy. Happier mood. Statistics suggest that you are likely insufficiently hydrated at this very moment.

17. Back-up your computer. Regularly.
You simply don't know what you've got 'till it's gone. I don't care how new your MacBook is and how lucky you feel.
Every elderly person I know has said this to me at some point in time. And if you regularly avoid SPF, just a take a gander at the local senior community in Palm Springs. 
"That is one snazzy leather jacket."
"But I'm not wearing a jacket..."

19. Anonymously give.
Learn to do things without expecting anything in return. It's not really 'giving' if you're overly concerned with stitching a byline to every generous action. 

20. Humble yourself.
I personally think it's the one of the most useful things a personal can do. 

PS - Some of my favorite links are in this post. So, if you haven't already, check them out!

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